Lindsay Lohan Nude Playboy

Lindsay Lohans nude Playboy cover leaked!

Lindsay Lohan has been asked to re-shoot her Playboy pictures after magazine executives decided they wanted a new theme for the nude spread. Playboy founder Hugh Hefner has claimed that Lindsay Lohan's nude photo spread is helping the men's magazine break sales records. Lindsay Lohan channels Marilyn Monroe once again on the cover and inside editorial for the January/February issue of Playboy magazine. First look inside bombshell Lindsay Lohan's nude Playboy shoot. By Daily Mail Reporter EST 12 Dec , updated EST 13 Dec The year-old actress is seen straddling a Playboy bunny shaped chair,which manages to cover her modesty,but reveals the curve of her breasts.


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Wen dys nuts hit your face hot affair. First look inside bombshell Lindsay Lohan's nude Playboy shoot. By Daily Mail Reporter EST 12 Dec , updated EST 13 Dec Lindsay Lohan channels Marilyn Monroe once again on the cover and inside editorial for the January/February issue of Playboy magazine. Once an innocent child star, Lindsay Lohan shocked the world with her daring decision to pose nude for Playboy magazine. Pictures of Lohan came online this week, revealing the starlet covering her modesty by a bright red Playboy bunny chair, reported TMZ online. Fresh reports suggest Lindsay Lohans nude Playboy shoot is actually selling like hot cakes.

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