Sable Vs Jacqueline Bikini
WWE SmackDown! Shut Your Mouth – Jacqueline Guide
As well as making Sable a star, it cleverly made Mr McMahon more of a heel for shutting it down and then declaring Jackie the winner as it wasn'. Jacqueline vs Sable WWF Fully Loaded In Your House Bikini Contest · WrestleCuties · More posts you may like. Dustin leading the crowd in prayer before the match is perfectly timed. Jacqueline has a wardrobe malfunction. Lawler hosts and acts like he has. Bikini contest between Jacqueline and Sable. Jerry Lawler served as the Emcee of the contest. Sable originally won the contest. However, the next night on RAW IS WAR, the decision was reversed and Jacqueline was crowned the winner, because Sable only wore paint and it.
WWE/WWF Wrestler Jacqueline Vs Sable! Top Ripped Off At UK PPV - WWE/WWF Wrestler Jacqueline Vs Sable! Top Ripped Off At UK PPV.
Beautiful lady oh yessss sexy WWF Diva Didn’t Want To Do The Bikini Contest At Fully Loaded 1998 sweden femdom. Thinergy: In this video WWE Superstar #Sable AKA #renamero takes on Miss Jackie in a #bikinicontest with Jerry. WWF Monday Night Raw - Jerry Lawler Interviews Marc Mero & Sable (). Anthony Alimondo · Sable vs. Jacqueline w/Marc Mero. daily. Bikini contest between Jacqueline and Sable. Jerry Lawler served as the Emcee of the contest. Sable originally won the contest. However, the next night on RAW IS WAR, the decision was reversed and Jacqueline was crowned the winner, because Sable only wore paint and it. Sable vs Jerry Lawler. BP · WWE Superstar Sable interview outside the Diva Bikini Contest (DSW ). FCWDivas · WWE Moves on a Girl in.
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