Watch Dogs 2 Penis

To clarify: Ubi is removing the FEMALE nudity (quotes inside)

In an intriguing turn of events, the French game-maker has made an executive decision to wipe out all vagina imagery from Watch Dogs 2. Unlike. And very annoying a game that deals with thematics of sex, prostitution, house strip tease and portray prostitutes and dancers with "Stickers" on her breasts. PSN user gets suspended for sharing in-game Watch Dogs 2 nudity. Ubisoft promises to patch out some of the offending naughty bits. by Kyle. › destructoid › status. Ubisoft patched the game to remove the vaginas. But penis remains. That's sexist! It's worse than sexist.


Watch Dogs 2 Has Vaginas and it's Getting Players Banned - Rocket Chainsaw .

Does anyone know who plays the wife dancing girls. Why remove only the detailed vagina and NOT the detailed penis? Is it more horrifying to see a vagina? Is that what they are trying to tell us? NSFW: Watch Dogs 2 features fully uncensored penises and vaginas, hurray equality? Ubisoft patched the game to remove the vaginas. But penis remains. That's sexist! It's worse than sexist. penises), and Ubisoft has clarified that all character models are, well, fully developed underneath their clothes. Watch Dogs 2 has Vaginas. › destructoid › status.

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